If you're getting ready to remodel your kitchen, now's the perfect time to get beautiful counter tops, without the high-maintenance. Natural quartz counters will give you the look, and the durability you're looking for. With just a minimal amount of routine care, your new quartz counter tops will look beautiful for years to come. Here are four simple methods you can utilize to protect and preserve your new counter tops.
Let It Breathe
Most counter tops need to be sealed to preserve the beauty of the material, and to prevent damage. However, your new quartz counter won't need to be sealed. In fact, when it comes to caring for your quartz counters, you'll never need to apply a sealant or other protective coating. Your new counter tops will look shiny and new without all the added sealants. Letting your new stone counter tops breathe will preserve its beauty, and extend its life.
Keep It Clean
Like all counter tops, you will need to keep the quartz clean. However, it won't require all the work that you're used to. All you'll need to do is wipe it off with a damp cloth when you're done cooking or when you spill something. There's no need for harsh cleaning chemicals. In fact, you should avoid those altogether when you have stone counter tops. The harsh chemicals can damage the beauty of the natural finish. If you're worried about germs on your counter top, simply fill spray bottle with water, add a ½ cup of disinfecting dish soap, and use the solution to clean your counter tops. Your counters will stay clean and shiny without all the harsh chemicals.
Keep It Cool
When it comes to cooking, you will need to protect your new counter top from heat. Heat is the one thing that can ruin your counters. To prevent heat damage, it's a good idea to always use hot pads whenever you place pans, cookie sheets, or other hot items on the counters.
Take Care With Your Knives
Because your counters will be made from quartz, a natural stone, the surface is extremely strong, which means it shouldn't suffer from damage caused by knives. However, you should still take care when using knives on your counter tops. In fact, to avoid dulling your favorite knives, you should always use a cutting board. This will help you preserve the life of your knives, and prevent even the possibility of accidental damage to your new counter tops.
For more tips on caring for your quartz counter tops, contact companies like Old World Stone.
Spring is a wonderful time of the year to enjoy being outdoors. Do you long to relax outside at your home this spring? Consider investing in some comfortable furniture to put on your patio, deck, or porch. For instance, you might wish to purchase a sofa, chair, and coffee table manufactured to withstand the elements outdoors. You may also want to invest in an outdoor kitchen where you can prepare delicious foods for your family members and friends. After creating the perfect outdoor space on your property, you might never want to leave home again. On this blog, I hope you will discover fun projects to make your home look amazing. Enjoy!